Wanting the Un-seeable to Become Seeable

Before you continue reading this, I am going to ask you to go to a window or door, open it and squint while looking outside.  I’ll wait……….. What did you see?  Actually it’s not what you saw but what you did not see that has created disruption and uncertainty about everything we know.  As we

Margolies Charitable Trust – JFS Donor Spotlight

Albert and Ann Margolies were life long residents of Scranton and outstanding humanitarians.  Often described as giants in the realm of kindness and understanding, their work touched many lives each day.   Al was a Board member and President of Jewish Family Services from 1951-1954.  As well as being a prominent man in the insurance industry Al was largely

Coping with Feelings During a Crisis

In many ways, it is completely normal to feel boredom and anxious feelings when a global pandemic such as the corona-virus (Covid-19) occurs.  This unprecedented virus is creating very serious health and economic implications that we must take seriously.  Keeping our social-physical distance can leave us feeling isolated and unsure. Carol King: “This is me self-isolating

Helping Seniors During the Holiday Season

In my line of work I am always helping seniors, it’s why I know that it is often this joyous time of year that is the hardest for many. In the coming months many religions and cultures celebrate holidays. Magazines, social media and TV advertisements start their yearly campaigns of announcing the upcoming holidays showing

Why I’m including JFS in my Will, and Why You Should Too.

By James Ellenbogen As someone who has donated to organizations like Jewish Family Service for as long as I can remember I have always been proud to support the good work they do. Each year I’m investing in the people and the programs that support the community I live in. My history with JFS started

New Year, New You, No Way!

Happy New Year! The calendar has once again turned over to a brand new year and that has everyone thinking, new ME!  New Year, New You, Right? January is that special time of year when product advertising reminds us that another year has passed and you’re still imperfect. You’re too fat, you’re too poor and

What Does it Mean to be Emotionally Strong?

I have heard it said many times when people discuss being emotionally strong, “I can’t cry”, “I have to be strong”, “I have to do this by myself” Or “I have to “man-up.”  While reflecting on the idea of being “strong”. In the movie the Wizard of Oz the Lion was called cowardly due to

Volunteering and How Doing Good is Good for You

Volunteering and Community Impact One of the better known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Unpaid volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. According to the Cooperation for National and Community Service about 64.5 million Americans, or 26.5 percent of the adult population gave 7.9 billion hours of volunteer