Volunteering and How Doing Good is Good for You

Volunteering and Community Impact One of the better known benefits of volunteering is the impact on the community. Unpaid volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. According to the Cooperation for National and Community Service about 64.5 million Americans, or 26.5 percent of the adult population gave 7.9 billion hours of volunteer

Enjoying Change

“Anything that involves a change creates a transition.” Life changes, or transitions, are a natural part of life and can occur with or without our knowledge. Changes can be planned such as getting married, having children, buying or selling a home, and divorce or retirement. Life changes can occur with out being expected such as

Is Kosher Meals On Wheels For You?

Jewish Family Service of Northeastern Pennsylvania (JFS) has a special concern for the elderly in our community. As part of our community we are proud to offer programs and services that encourage healthy aging. One of these services is the Kosher Meals on Wheels program (KMOW). What is Kosher Meals on Wheels? Home delivered kosher meals

6 Tips for Safe Driving for Seniors

In winter months, driving conditions tend to be more dangerous due to rainy or snowy roads. For seniors, age-related declines in vision, mobility and reaction time can limit driving abilities, making it even more difficult to drive safely on slippery roads. To this end, we have put together 6 tips for safe driving that are

Small Business Spotlight on JFSNEPA

Scranton Chamber of Commerce Member since 2014 Jewish Family Service (JFS) of NEPA was founded with one thing in mind: to serve the community.  Open to all faiths and backgrounds, Jewish Family Service is a human service organization whose mission reflects the Jewish tradition of caring and compassion for all people in need. Through professional

Don’t Be Rude! Or How Not to Use a Cellphone.

I only travel by train; where as the rest of my family prefers planes.  I find the pace of riding the train peaceful and relaxing; watching the world go chuga-chuga by at the same time as I am reading and listening to music.  Two years ago while riding the train from Milwaukee to Chicago (The Hiawatha,

IS IT REAL OR IS IT…. the story of Henry Hill

The musical The Music Man tells the story of Henry Hill and how he manipulates a whole town into believing they need a marching band.  Of course in the story, through a relationship, he finds a change of heart, atones and in the end the town rescues him from legal troubles by actually putting together